Potomac Royal Arch Chapter No. 88 of Capitular District No. 17 of the Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons in Virginia, holds its Stated Conclave on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30pm with dinner at 6:30pm with the exception of December when it is held on 3rd Monday at Ashburn-Sterling Masonic Lodge No. 288 located at 43881 Waxpool Rd, Ashburn, VA 20147. All Companions are welcome and invited to attend our Stated Convocations.

Why seek more light?

As a Master Mason, you were obligated and brought to “Light.” As a Mason in search of light, more light and further light you are invited to continue your Masonic Education by joining and participating in the York Rite.The degrees and orders of the rite will “fill in the blanks” and complete your search.

When you joined the Masonic Lodge you were given a word. This was a substitute word devised to be used “until future generations would find out the right.” This substitute word allows you to visit Masonic Lodges and identify yourself as a Master Mason.

Did you ever wonder what the real word was?

In the York Rite of Freemasonry during the Chapter Degrees the word is found and communicated to you. Chapters of Royal Arch Masons were (and still are in England) attached to and a part of the Master Mason degree. The Supreme Degree of the Holy Royal Arch is the completion of the Master’s degree in which the WORD is found and communicated to the candidate. By joining a Chapter the Brother becomes a Companion and a member of one of the oldest organizations within the Masonic Fraternity.

The York Rite is continued with the Councils of Royal and Select Masters in which the Companion becomes aware of the method used to preserve the Master’s Word. The Royal and Select Master’s degrees are some of the most impressive in Freemasonry. In Virginia and West Virginia, the Councils of Royal and Select Masters is incorporated under a Royal Arch System of Degrees.

The Orders of the Commandery complete the Rite in what some claim to be the most impressive facet of Freemasonry. No one who is knighted as a Knight Templar will ever forget this most impressive ceremony.